
Showing posts from March, 2011

what is someone to do?

This is very difficult, following your dream that is.  I have been working so hard to make my dream come true and it is working. GRLIC is becoming a really great non profit, helping kids and doing the radio.  No complaints about that. Why is it difficult, you may ask? because a non profit does not pay much when you are just starting out.SO while, I am happy about what I am doing, I am drowning in debt and finding out that this is going to be harder then I ever thought. So the question is, what do I do? Look for work and give up on something that I am finally having success at or loose everything I have worked for. I just don't know. I am struggling. I know that there are grants out there to support the programs that would help pay for my wages but I do not have time to apply or the knowledge to make it happen. I guess I will just have to make it happen. In the mean time, how can I make some money this summer. What would you do? any suggestions. I have done party planning, event pla