
Showing posts from 2012

Support this great cause!

Chicken BBQ Scheduled for September 28th Chicken BBQ on 9/28/12 GRLIC will be having a Chicken BBQ on September 28th from 4-6. The Chicken BBQ include a Brooks Chicken Half and a salad.  Soda and Water will be available for purchase as well as dessert. To purchase you Chicken BBQ tickets stop by the office or see one of GRLIC students. Tickets are $10 You can also purchase your technology raffle tickets and get information on the Long Woods Run coming up on October 13th. 607-326-4754 GRLIC OFFICE

Scientific American Blog of the week

Scientific American Blog is this weeks blog of the week! Check out what they say about STEM and its importance.

Changes are coming!

Changes are coming to this blog. You can now tune in for posts about the latest technology stories, some geo caching stuff and camping stuff as well as anything that peaks my interest including strange news stories.

Glass houses!

" People in glass houses should not throw stones!" Someone once told me that and I often wondered how it would apply to me. Would I throw stones or would I be someone on the receiving end. Well, the fact is when something like this happens no one is the winner, no one comes out on top. Everyone involved is some how damaged. It is a sad commentary on life but it really is how life is. We can try to be the bigger person, we can try not to get involved or we can care to much, we can try to do the right thing but some how we all get damaged from the events of one or two people. It is unfortunate that this happens and it saddens me deeply. I feel for others out there who have been attacked or misrepresented to others because of the actions of one or two other people.