
Showing posts from 2011

Check out fall leaves in the Catskills!

life is but a dream.... a nightmare!

Some days just don't seem to end. Some days don't go the way you want them to. Some days really a great! and occasionally, there are days that are a nightmare! How do you change days like that? I am not really sure but if at the end of the day you take time to look for the positives, you can possibly come out with a happy ending. That is what I am continuing to do, everyday! Think about the positive impacts that I make and that others have made on my life. I know soon life will get better and I will be a better person for it.

Have I tried, yes, Am I giving up, Hell NO!

Have I tried to make things easier? yes, have I been successful, a little. Am i determined to succeed, absolutely! It has been months since I have sat down to work on this blog and I apologize. My life as usual spiraled out of control because as always, I am a sucker for a good cause. I dedicate everything I have to something and find that I can stop giving. Even if it hurts me. I seem to always get tied up the wrong crowd. It is good to know that I have some real true honest wonderful friends who always support me no matter what stupid thing I get into. Some of the wonderful projects I have worked on this year are WIOX, WIOX one year anniversary, Morning Radio with High school students, afterschool radio club, GEOFUN workshop, Stop motion animation workshop, Blogging workshop with kids in the garden. Roxbury Sidewalk festival,  and much more. I am currently working on a big project with GRLIC and RCS that will be announced in just a few weeks. Moving GRLIC to a new location on Main st

what is someone to do?

This is very difficult, following your dream that is.  I have been working so hard to make my dream come true and it is working. GRLIC is becoming a really great non profit, helping kids and doing the radio.  No complaints about that. Why is it difficult, you may ask? because a non profit does not pay much when you are just starting out.SO while, I am happy about what I am doing, I am drowning in debt and finding out that this is going to be harder then I ever thought. So the question is, what do I do? Look for work and give up on something that I am finally having success at or loose everything I have worked for. I just don't know. I am struggling. I know that there are grants out there to support the programs that would help pay for my wages but I do not have time to apply or the knowledge to make it happen. I guess I will just have to make it happen. In the mean time, how can I make some money this summer. What would you do? any suggestions. I have done party planning, event pla