Have I tried, yes, Am I giving up, Hell NO!

Have I tried to make things easier? yes, have I been successful, a little. Am i determined to succeed, absolutely! It has been months since I have sat down to work on this blog and I apologize. My life as usual spiraled out of control because as always, I am a sucker for a good cause. I dedicate everything I have to something and find that I can stop giving. Even if it hurts me. I seem to always get tied up the wrong crowd. It is good to know that I have some real true honest wonderful friends who always support me no matter what stupid thing I get into. Some of the wonderful projects I have worked on this year are WIOX, WIOX one year anniversary, Morning Radio with High school students, afterschool radio club, GEOFUN workshop, Stop motion animation workshop, Blogging workshop with kids in the garden. Roxbury Sidewalk festival,  and much more. I am currently working on a big project with GRLIC and RCS that will be announced in just a few weeks. Moving GRLIC to a new location on Main st., Roxbury. The RCS Garden Project that will bring the garden to the teachers more easily. And much much more.....

I have had a wonderful and fulfilling time on my radio show on WIOX- Java with some fabulous people including Glen Pedersen, and Joe Moskowitz. with all this going on, I have kinda missed out on some fabulous family time and that is what is making me think this morning. Time with Family and friends is the most important time you can ever spend. A lot of times it is not the amount of time, especially if it is forced on your loved ones but the quality of the time. Here is what I mean.....

The other day, my daughter who is leaving for college this Sunday, came by to see me. This summer has been difficult one as we really struggle to pay the bills, so both my college bound daughters have been working their butts off. Not to much time to spend with family available when you work 24/7 which they have all summer long. Anyways, She stopped by and spent maybe 25 minutes with me. We spent 10 minutes just hugging. no talking.... just hugging..... It was the best 10 minutes of my summer. Remember it's the little moments that make life worth living.....

So today, I sent out 10 resumes for work at so many different jobs... I am hoping something might materialize over the next few weeks. if not, there goes all the hard work we have put in. It will all be okay because no matter what else happens, I still have my wonderful children and husband to hold on to. Have a great day!


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