
Showing posts from December, 2014

I wrote this a few years ago but I think it still pertains to today!

Xmas, The Biggest Retail Scam Ever! Last night, while the snow fell, my husband and I hung 100,000 tiny white Christmas lights on the front of our house. We placed green garland along the fence and began thinking about where to hang the giant red bows our daughters insisted we buy. (this is not our house, ours never looked this good)  All this came to a grand total of $250, which is just the beginning of the decorations for the season. We haven't gotten to the  tree, the toy train, and village or even the gifts. Does this sound like your house? What is truly funny about my house is that my children do not even know why we celebrate Christmas. Come to think of it, I am not really sure I do either! I guess I could mark it up to tradition. My parents and grandparents always celebrated Christmas. I think my Mom and her parents are actually Christians. My Dad disliked the church and all it stood for.  I remember my family would always gather on Christmas Eve for a great big tra