I wrote this a few years ago but I think it still pertains to today!

Xmas, The Biggest Retail Scam Ever!

Last night, while the snow fell, my husband and I hung 100,000 tiny white Christmas lights on the front of our house. We placed green garland along the fence and began thinking about where to hang the giant red bows our daughters insisted we buy. (this is not our house, ours never looked this good)  All this came to a grand total of $250, which is just the beginning of the decorations for the season. We haven't gotten to the  tree, the toy train, and village or even the gifts.

Does this sound like your house? What is truly funny about my house is that my children do not even know why we celebrate Christmas. Come to think of it, I am not really sure I do either! I guess I could mark it up to tradition. My parents and grandparents always celebrated Christmas. I think my Mom and her parents are actually Christians. My Dad disliked the church and all it stood for.  I remember my family would always gather on Christmas Eve for a great big traditional German feast. We would open up gifts from our grandparents and huge stockings filled with soaps, toothbrushes, socks, - you know all that stuff that you need but never ask for. That was the one day out of the year that my Great Uncle Bill would come and show us he was still alive. My Mom would send Christmas cards to all her friends, even ones she never saw. We were never a rich family, so every year my parents would get all moody about this time. They would yell about every little thing. I never understood this until I had children. The stress of this holiday season can be unbearable.

Maybe my story has gotten you in the mood for Christmas or maybe you are wondering what comes next. I know what comes next- guilt, shame, disappointment, worry and extreme stress. All of this is caused by the media and department stores start getting us thinking about this holiday season. They want us to buy, buy, buy. They begin ads that get us all warm and cozy. They show us people all bundled up in sweaters, hats and mittens with fake snow falling. They parade toy after toy in front of us trying to make us believe that each one is the one our children need to have. Every where you look this time of year there are signs of the holidays. It seems to encroach on us earlier each year.

This past July, a store (I won't give names to protect the innocent- Ha! Macy's, Macy's, Macy's.) was advertising "Start stocking up for Xmas"! Every store tries to find that one catch phrase that gets us to buy from them. If stores and the advertising campaigns are not enough the news media helps them out with fluff pieces like what to buy your spouse, this year's bet toy buys or even the latest, coolest fad. It is almost like we will not survive without buying this item or that. We are bombarded daily with toys, decorations and food to cook on that special day. 

For two straight months, people hear, eat, sleep and watch Christmas. Until it is finally here and then it is over so quickly. Christmas is only one day, two if you add Christmas Eve. Ok, it 's over , take  breath, right? No, because now we have the "After Christmas". More sales, they even tell you to return stuff you don't want for something else, just so you will come back and spend more money. That is the bottom line money, they want yours and they will say anything to get it.

I don't know about you , but I  find Christmas to be a big let down. I spend two months shopping, worrying how to pay for the things or at least how to pay the electric bill because  I spent the money for it on gifts for people I can't remember.  I spend hours wrapping and hiding gifts for the children through out the house. I spend hours cooking Christmas Eve Dinner and Christmas Brunch. I fret about how much to spend and what to put into the stockings. For what? A dinner that last about 1/2 hour and the opening of presents that lasts about 10 minutes. Have you ever seen a child take more than two seconds to open a gift? I haven't. We do not go to church, at least not any more. We have a few friends over and get dressed up. But the only difference between Christmas parties and the other weekends of the year iss how dressed up we are.

Christmas is just a holiday gone haywire. It hs been shaped by the big department stores into a day that sucks money right out of your hand and make you feel horrible about it.  Look at the images they show us on TV. Every channel has some kind of Christmas special with rooms decorated in all their splendor. Come on now, no one's home actually looks like that. Especially not mine. 
With all this attention paid to Christmas, what happened to the reason we are supposed to be celebrating. Unless you go to church, you probably can't tell anyone what the holiday is all about. I personally only know that it has something to do with a guy named Jesus Christ. That is about it.

What I have been trying to get cross to the millions of people caught up in the holiday frenzy is that Christmas has a meaning and it ain't spend all your money at  Macy's or Target this holiday season. The next time you open your wallet to buy a Christmas gift, think about it. Is this something that you really need to purchase or are you caught up in the frenzy created by the constant barrage of holiday advertising. 

 I would like to say, I am not going to continue to spend, spend, spend but alas, I have children who will be disappointed if there is nothing under the tree. I have gone from buying lots of presents to just filling a stocking full of things they need.  I do spend less and instead of a tree, I go to the movies with my family and have dinner out some where inexpensive. What is important is my family, not how much you spend.


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