I am here to state my mind!

I don't usually say much about the outside world here in my blog but really the media has gone crazy!

Since does a cult pastor down in the Florida speak for any of us. I know he does not speak for me and he should not even get a second glance. I thought that the teaching of Christ say something about treating others as you would like to be treated. This is what is wrong with society these days. We do not even follow our own teachings.

I find it disgusting that the media and the world is watching this idiot in Florida. Sure there is free speech but that does not mean we have to listen and when the media puts it on as the first thing on all the newscasts...... We are forced to watch and listen. I have been turning it off.  

Now I hear that he is being asked to be an consultant who will be speaking to Muslim representatives who are working at putting a Mosque near the site in NYC.  Why should his opinion even be considered. He does not represent anyone but 25 cult participants in Florida. What do we know about this guy? Nothing except that his last church asked him to leave and is distancing themselves from him because of his radical views.  Come on America, let's be real.  Don't let the views of one person influence the opinion of our great country around the world. 

Am I furious with the people who attacked us on 911, absolutely.  Does Anger boil up inside of me everytime I think about it. absolutely.  Do I think that they should be punished? absolutely. Does that mean the every Muslim is a target, no way.  People need to realize that it is the actions of  few that have lead this hatred to Muslims and that we should not allow ourselves to be dragged down to there level. when you participate in these cult like activities, you sink to the level of terrorists.

Help put a stop to these kind of behaviors but taking a step back, and looking at how our activities, statements and actions affect others, before we go ahead and follow through with them.

Just the voice of caution!


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