Everyday is a New Adventure!

It has been years since I wrote any words that have meaning to me. I woke up this morning and decide to try again. So everyday is a new adventure, and I am going to live it to the fullest. I have an amazing family who have struggled through many difficult times. But we have stuck together and we are stronger for it.

I am looking at rewriting my future. I always thought I would be that person who gave themselves to my town, to my friends and to help others. What I found out is, I am disappointed by that life. I want to spend my time with my family, my adult kids and their significant others, my grandkids, my brothers and sister and their family, my parents and my wonderful husband. As I look around at the world today, I feel stress. I don't like where things are going and it is making me miserable. Instead of worrying about all that I have no control over, I am going to take control over what I can..... My Happiness.

My Happiness is something that I have complete control over. It is how I react to things that happen that effects my happiness. It is how I choose to spend my time that effects my happiness. For years, I spend every moment, every penny I earned to try to make other people happy. What I found is those people did not need me to and therefore did not appreciate all of my time and money. It's sad really.

Well, I don't need to be sad. Idon't have time to be sad over something I have not control over. You cannot make other people happy. Only they can make themselves happy.

I want to go out and see the world. It has always been a dream of mine to go out and see this country. All of its wonders, the Grand Canyon, the dessert, the west coast, the south, the Mississippi from top to bottom. Waterfalls, rivers, lake, forests, history, amazing food and so much more! How am going to do it? I am not independently wealthy, not at all. I wonder how I am going to eat tomorrow. I did not win the lottery, but that would be nice! My husband and I are going to buy a house on wheels, sell all our stuff, find some campground/travel jobs and work remotely via internet.

I am also going to be writing, reviewing and making suggestions via this blog. I will also be selling my handmade crafts and my canvases to help make ends meet. It might take sometime, we might not leave tomorrow but we are working toward this adventure. Along the way, we hope to make so many memories with our family, make new friends and find all the beautiful places this country has to offer and possible Canada too!

I ask you to stay tuned for updates. I will start with my current adventures for work and our camping excursions until we actually get on the road for good. Join us on this crazy idea and follow our travels along the way. We might just stop by and visit you too!

So far this year, we have traveled to Orlando, Fl, Tampa, Fl, Charolotte, NC, I have also gone to Long Pond, PA, Philadelphia, PA, Lanoka Harbor, NJ, Dover, DE, and a few others, so their will be lots to talk about. We love Nascar, camping, Berners, and our grandkids! I love to paint and crochet so I will mix in those hobbies as well as some of our new favorite things.

It's Java with Jenn thing.


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