Good Morning and have you missed me!

Hi and Good morning! I know some of you have missed me. Sorry. I have not had a computer for about a week. I got a new old one but it does not work with facebook or blogger so I have not been able to post. I am sorry I got it as it does not really work for what I need it for. I will have to save up some money to buy a apple laptop or just a really good dell. Anyways, have you been wondering what is going on in my life?

it has been wonderful. I have been on vacation since last Wednesday in NJ with my family. My grandmother turned 90, bless her soul and she is still sharp as a tack! She amazes me every time I speak with her. Yesterday, we went to Atlantic City and she won enough so she came back with what she went with. Every time I go with her, she wins or breaks even. I just loose! OK, I don't expect to win but once would be nice. I so enjoy spending time with her, she makes me feel so good. She does have her opinions though and is not afraid to tell you. I guess I really like that about her.

Over the weekend we had a reunion/birthday party and I spoke to people I have not seen in 30 years or 25 years. Funny thing is they live like only an hour from where I live. IT really sucks how I am not good at keeping in touch. My one friend lives in Kingston, she shops at the same Hannaford that I do. We have probably seen each other their and not realized we knew each other. She teaches a pump class just like my sister and they want me to come take a class that they will be teaching together. I am not sure if this is a wise decision but I know I will have fun. I probably wont be able to walk afterwards but it will be fun.

This weekend has made me realize that life is worth living! But you have to work at it, to make it that way. It just does not happen. If you want to have people around you that you love and really like, you have to make that happen because it is easier to not do anything and harder to keep them near you. Time goes by quickly and before you know 30 years has passed and life has moved forward. Don't let the important people in your life fall by the wayside, see them, tell them and love them everyday!

Another highlight of this weekend was getting back together with my high school friend Vickie. We were the best of buds when we were high school age, we did not necessarily actually go to high school but we had fun when we were supposed to be in school. LOL So last Friday, I met her and her husband Joe at the Office lounge. My husband and hers seem to hit it off. We have made plans to get together at my camp in the mountains for a vacation weekend. We talked about old times and how crazy we were. It was the best. I did not realize how much I have missed her. She just has this wonderful aurora about her that she shares with everyone around her. So glad we met up and had some time to share. I am going to make sure she is in my life from here on out. Important people should be kept close.

I went to a local bar and met an old friend from high school that I have been friends with on facebook. I was sitting there with Vickie having a drink and I said that looks like a girl we know from HS and it was. Nice to see her too! I hope she is reading so she knows how nice it was to see her again! HI Dina, hope all is well.

I have so much to say but I will save some of it from another day! like the heavy metal band I saw and the memories it brings back!

I hope all is well in your world! I know it is in mine.


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