Wow, time is passing by so quickly

Time seems to be one of those things that we all just cant hold on to. My time is so full lately with the start of the radio station that I don't even realize that I have missed several days writing my thoughts down in this blog. My apologies.

Are you wondering what has been happening in my life lately? Well, I am can you fill me in.

I did want to comment on something that is bothering me a little. I guess you would call it gossip but I just call it talking about other people. I don't like to do it and I find it just awful. I try not to do it. It is not easy. Sometimes we don't even notice that we are doing it. We think we are just keeping up with the times. I heard something the other day about someone I know and I really found it inappropriate to tell anyone. The other part is I don't believe that what was said is true and when it was said there was no way of knowing if it was true. Sometimes rumors can really hurt people, professionally, personally and socially. I am not saying that I am perfect by any means, I can sometimes be the worst. But maybe we should all step back a minute and realize that what we say has an impact on the person listening, on the person we are talking about, and on how other people look at us. If you hear something that you would not want anyone to know about you, then don't tell others this thing about someone else. Remember not everything you hear is true.

On that note, enjoy your day and treat others the way you would want to be treated, it will make everyone much happier.


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