
Showing posts from July, 2022

It's a Jenn thing, I need to find my style so I can decorate my new abode. (once we find it)

 So here is a question for you, do you style around the style of the house or around your style or is it a combination of both? Where do you start? I am looking for a beachy feel but I find what I pick out does not always go with what I am trying to achieve.  The first thing I think I should do is determine the color scheme for the living room. I am in love with Navy and white but ALSO loving teal and orange colors together.  What do you think of these colors? or something in that range. I have always wanted teal and orange accents. I love these colors but I am just not sure this is where I should start. I have heard you should start with something you love and try to move outward from there.  So if that is true, I love these. For my wall. I was thinking about getting these for my office at work but what if I used these as the first piece in my design? I think these pillows would work but I want something darker. Maybe a beige or tan couch and some accent pillows in this realm. These

its a Jenn thing, its about reaching for the stars and catching a few!

 When you start out on a journey, you go looking for a specific ending. Looking for the specific end gets you started, it provides you with a path, a road, maybe the yellow brick road, or maybe it's a rabbit hole, you will not know until you start along the path. The funny thing about a journey is that it is not a straight line. It's like a country road that winds and bends around obstacles and through hazards. Sometimes you have to take down boundaries or fences that appear in the way. Sometimes you may have to climb over them, sometimes there is a gate to open or a lock to pick, and sometimes it's a beautiful archway of glimmer golden light that shows you where to go. Each time it is part of the journey. A journey can be long, lifelong or sometimes it can be short a few weeks or months, be each journey affords us with moments that teach us or mold us for the next journey we are about to take.  I am on a journey; this journey brings me out of my comfort zone. I have always

Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!


Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!


Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!


Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!


My new best friend, because I am busy and don't want to get a cab for shopping!

 I have to say moving from a small town in upstate New York to Fort Lauderdale, Florida has been an adjustment. On top of waiting for my husband to join me as he closes up our home in New York and not having a car with me, I have found shopping for everyday items difficult. When I forget something, I can't just get in the car and run to the market to pick it up.  I have been trying out different delivery services. For the past few weeks, I am using Instacart. I am so happy with this service. The shoppers have been so great. Friendly, courteous, and help me find just what I need. Instant messaging during shopping is perfect. I have ordered groceries, craft supplies, and cooking supplies. The cost is not bad either. I can order small orders and large orders. I would recommend trying out Instacart next time you need to get something delivered quickly. Usually within an hour and a half!   If you do try it out, you can get a $20 credit, and so can I if you use this code  JSCHUMAN121B8 o

Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!



 Are you like me? there is no real organization to your tech stuff. It is just everywhere and sometimes because it takes so much to get it set up, you just skip it. I decided today to find some stuff to help me organize it.  Here is the first thing I found. I have these little speakers for my office but they need to be charged all the time. I thought they would be great but ugh, the hassle of charging every day. So I found this!  Outlet shelf  This outlet shelf will be perfect so I can keep my speakers plugged in and charged as well as keep me organized.  Small space between, and it is just wasted space? not anymore, here is a cool skinny cart that fits in that space that seems to be wasted.  Skinny cart This skinny cart will help in the bathroom, the kitchen or even in my office space or make it into your portable spa cart. Nail stuff on one shelf, skin care stuff on another, so many options! I never know what to do with all this stuff. I always want to have this available to use it o

Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!


Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!


Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!


Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!


Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, it's a Jenn thing!


Sunday, Funday?

 Sitting at my home in Fort Lauderdale, FL. thinking, what might be a fun adventure today! It's a little rainy today. What things do you like to do on Sunday when the outdoor activities are pampered by the weather? Did find this museum to try next time the kids come to visit.  Museum of Discovery and Science When I stay in on Sunday during the Summer, I look for NASCAR racing on TV. I usually do some crocheting projects, or I search for something to do online. When friends are over, we like to play games and have some drinks. I have favorite drivers and like to find cool gear to wear. Cool Truex Jr. Gear!  Lately, my Sundays involve reading and studying for my coursework. But this week, I decided to look for ways to redecorate and create storage options for our new home.  Creating fun ways of decorating and find space for storage is always a challenge when in small spaces. I have found some interesting items to help me set up a place with all the things I want but still not feel cl

Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, its a Jenn thing!


Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, its a Jenn thing!


Homemade and Loving the pattern, Some times you just got to try a new pattern.

Link to Caroncakes yarn supplies This lovely pattern is just so much fun to make. I completed a summer tank top with this pattern and so happy with it. I use 1 of the caron cakes in melon smoothie and have enough left to make a small bag to match! the colors are so striking together. It has both a fall and summer feel.  I found this stitch pattern on Pinterest a while ago and used it to create my tank top. I am not sure who created it as it is not in English. thank you for sharing the pattern. I did it as continuous rounds, check out more of my designs and creations on  FroggiePond | Facebook .  I could not create any of my designs without the inspiration of all the other crocheters/hookers out there!  Stay tuned for more of my posts of inspiration, creative projects and travel adventures! 

Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, its a Jenn thing!




Find things to do in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

As I look for things to do here in Fort Lauderdale, my new home, I am finding some websites that provide ideas. I always like it when they provide the cost of activities and this one does just that!   Fort Lauderdale Travel Advice & Recommendations | Viator Spending time at the beach is one of my favorite things to do, glad I moved to this area. Pictures of my travels will be posted very soon. 

Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” ~ Jimmy Dean

Daily Insight by Java with Jenn, It's a Jenn thing!

  "To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart."   Eleanor Roosevelt
 Daily insight Post Its a Java with Jenn thing!  Positive Oasis

Daily Insights Shared by Jenn

  Authentic Leadership: Inside The Mind of Dr. Patton | Facebook