My new best friend, because I am busy and don't want to get a cab for shopping!

 I have to say moving from a small town in upstate New York to Fort Lauderdale, Florida has been an adjustment. On top of waiting for my husband to join me as he closes up our home in New York and not having a car with me, I have found shopping for everyday items difficult. When I forget something, I can't just get in the car and run to the market to pick it up.  I have been trying out different delivery services. For the past few weeks, I am using Instacart. I am so happy with this service. The shoppers have been so great. Friendly, courteous, and help me find just what I need. Instant messaging during shopping is perfect. I have ordered groceries, craft supplies, and cooking supplies. The cost is not bad either. I can order small orders and large orders. I would recommend trying out Instacart next time you need to get something delivered quickly. Usually within an hour and a half!   If you do try it out, you can get a $20 credit, and so can I if you use this code JSCHUMAN121B8 or use this link! 

I really was not planning on posting today but I just had to share my results. This has really saved me over the last few weeks. Hope you are having the best Sunday you can! 


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