its a Jenn thing, its about reaching for the stars and catching a few!

 When you start out on a journey, you go looking for a specific ending. Looking for the specific end gets you started, it provides you with a path, a road, maybe the yellow brick road, or maybe it's a rabbit hole, you will not know until you start along the path. The funny thing about a journey is that it is not a straight line. It's like a country road that winds and bends around obstacles and through hazards. Sometimes you have to take down boundaries or fences that appear in the way. Sometimes you may have to climb over them, sometimes there is a gate to open or a lock to pick, and sometimes it's a beautiful archway of glimmer golden light that shows you where to go. Each time it is part of the journey. A journey can be long, lifelong or sometimes it can be short a few weeks or months, be each journey affords us with moments that teach us or mold us for the next journey we are about to take. 

I am on a journey; this journey brings me out of my comfort zone. I have always been afraid of getting outside of my comfort zone. Afraid of trying something that others might not think was a good idea. I have been talked out of things that I would have been good at. I have been told that I am smart and therefore should focus on things that require thought. Well, I am creative, I am curious, and I am full of so much more. I do love using my brain, I love working hard. I love feeling confident. 

During this latest journey, I have moved 1400 miles from a cooler climate to a much warmer climate. I have stepped into a position that I have been wanting for years. I have decided to go back to college again and am working to earn a Doctorate in Business Administration with a focus on Organizational Development and Leadership. This is a huge challenge for me but is something I have wanted for many years. It can be so overwhelming. But what grounds me, is the people I have around me. My family, my friends, and my coworkers, past and present. They are what keep me going and sane. 

With everything I am changing, I am also looking to add to my future by starting some side jobs. This blog is one of those things. It's a place for me to express my thoughts and provide you with a glimpse into my world. I hope you will stay with me during this journey and for the many more journeys ahead ever they may be. Some may be fun, some may be difficult, some sad, somewhere I may be afraid and somewhere I may feel like I got this but never get there. 

I am now catching stars, small ones, large ones, and sometimes just glimmers of stars but enough to keep me moving forward. I hope you will take chances and reach for stars too! 


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