
Showing posts from July, 2010

Food for Dinner!

Do forget to treat yourself like the special person you are! Plan a special dinner like we do every once an while or plan something every night! Tonight's dinner is Filet Minon and Shrimp with fresh cut french fries and delicious veggies! I feel like I am at a restaurant but I get to sit in my recliner and relax with the family while I eat some of the best food ever! Remember enjoy the little things.

Tuesday Evening

I spent the day working at the radio station and meeting some wonderful people. I practiced talking on the radio with Ann Epner. I did most of the talking but it was a lot of fun. I really enjoy people. Ann will be hosting a Roxbury Arts Group show on Monday and Friday. Things are so much fun over at the station. I have been having a blast. I am learning so much about how radio works. I am so excited to be involved at this stage. I feel like I have started a whole new life. I wish I could dump the old one meaning that old job! Oh, gosh, it is like a haunting now. Just a few days a week. I really wish it would just go away. I have other things on my plate now. I am looking at other ways to earn money. any one have ideas? I guess I will have to apply for jobs around here but I really just want to find a way to pay my way while doing what I love to do! There must be a way to do it. Things are great! now I just have to pay for them. LOL

Summer Sandwich

Here is a sandwich that really hits the spot. Two pieces of thick toast Chicken cutlet grilled with oregeno and oil, sliced thin Tomatoes Lettuces mozzerella cheese slices basil pesto Put all in between the slices and eat a way! This is a light and tasty sandwich which can be heated or served cold. I love this! Enjoy.

And We Start over again!

How do we do it, every week it is like a do over button. Every Monday we start over, we go back to work, we go back to the daily grind. It is like a do over button. Last week didn't do so well, maybe this week will, right? So let's start looking at Monday as an opportunity to make a week the best it can be. Let's use Monday as the beginning of something new. What new experience can I have, what can I do differently this week to get a better result? Let's think about these things. What am I going to do this week that I did not do last week? How can I change the relationships I have at work for the better, what did I do last week that I can do differently this week? Monday is not the first day of a work week that we have to get through for the week end but an opportunity to improve things. It is the first day of a new beginning, we should really use Monday as a positive and realize that it has endless possibilities!

Saturday- at the radio station

It is Saturday and I am spending my morning after a great breakfast with a friend, learning how to operate the computers at the radio station.

Recipe for a Summer weekend

Banana Flavored Rum Orange Juice Cranberry Juice Ice Fill glass with ice Add 5 count of Banana rum Add orange juice leaving some room to top off with cranberry juice- stir Add a little bit of cranberry juice This will look like a sunrise- I call it the Beachwood sunrise after my home town and where we were drinking it! Had a great time with my sister, mom and dad last weekend, painting their house and remembering what a wonderful family I have! Share this with your family and remember the reasons why they are so special!


Well TGIF! Not because I am waiting for the weekend but because I am excited. This weekend is my niece's wedding. I am sure it will be the perfect. So are you wondering what has been going on and how my day went on Wednesday. Well, It is really hard to let old habits die! I went in to my old job and they asked me to come in a few days a week for the next few weeks to help them get things organized. If I was really turning over a new leaf, I would have said no, right? Well, being the good hearted person I am, I said I would. At least I can pay some bills for the next few weeks. I am ok this week as my ex boss is on vacation. Next week, may be another story. Today, I am going back there to work from 9-4. not really looking forward to it but it is only for a few weeks. I did get to do some fun stuff yesterday, I went shopping for the radio station to purchase new computers. I went to the apple store for the first time. I really did not like it. I hate loud places and that place is

A new Monday Morning!

Good Morning! and I mean a good morning. well except that one of my kids is sick and feels aweful. Otherwise, my life is good. I finally am able to feel something. For so long I have kept things all bottled up. I have not allowed myself to feel for fear of all those horrible feelings coming into play. I had stopped really living. Now, After a great weekend with my family in NJ. I am feeling like life has meaning again. Now, what do I do with myself. I have lots of plans but what plan is the right plan. I am going to take the civil service test and apply for a job at the school. Something simple and not so stressful. I am going to go back to school and get my master's degree. I need it for my teaching certification so if I ever find a teaching job, not looking good in this economy. I will have what I need. I am going to work some part time jobs just to pay the bills over the next month or so. Radio station goes on air on Aug 27th. If I can figure out a way to pay my bills, and just

Thank goodness it is Friday!

I am going to go to my parents to help them get their house ready to sell. I am looking forward to painting and going through old memories that have been boxed up in the attic for years. I have been smiling for days. I just did not realize how much being unhappy at work effected you moods. I am beginning to think that it is the pressure from work that has had me so miserable. I actually thought that I was coping. I guess not! lol Now, I can take a deep breath and feel relaxed. I can spend time with my family which I have missed for to long. No one should be held hostage by a job.I am so much better off now that I have my own schedule and my own choices. I have to go pack. I will be walking each night starting next Monday or Tuesday. Want to join my walking club. We can meet across the street from my home around 7:30 pm. I am hoping to walk at least three nights a week but I have lots of meetings so if we get a group of us it wont really matter. Also I am looking for bike. Mine is


Good Morning Out there! I am smiling today, I can't get enough of it. I can't remember the last time I had such a happy feeling over me. Sure, I am wondering what to do next week but freedom from stupidity, freedom from the stress, freedom from all the crap that goes along with it. I am going to focus on the good things in life.I have been searching for jobs that relate to my major and also online programs so I can get my master's degree. What a wonderful life. So much promise, so much to look forward to. I will work next week at the radio station learning about radio. I love volunteering, I love doing things that will benefit other people. It is what I was born for. I am also looking at starting some clubs for kids in the area with the radio station, maybe some Geo cashing, and of course, gardening. If you have any interests in these, let me know we can work to gether . I am also working with my friend Ginny on a water power works conference for next year. I am so

The new life begins

Hey, so my new life begins today! why? you may ask, I am finally done with my job. That is right. We came to a mutual understanding today and work and that means, I only have two full (maybe full days left) I feel like my life is finally changing for the better. What was I thinking working in a corporation? That is not me at all. I want to give back to my community and have some kind of meaning for my life. I may not be leaving on the best of terms but I am leaving. I am not leaving on bad terms except that I finally have something to look forward to. I can not wait to start working with kids at the radio station. Excitement is taking over. I have not felt this alive in two years. You know when you think, what am I getting myself into, oh, no. well listen to that little voice inside and run, run away. Take challenges that make you excited to be alive not ones that just pay the bills. What a life there is to be lead and I am finally taking charge of it and leading my life. Join me a

Wednesday, enough said!

Well, I went into work yesterday and found out that my friend had been laid off. bummer. I guess because I know what is going on with stuff, I kinda knew something was coming down the pike as they say but it did not make it any better. Now, I have to conduct an exit interview and help figure out what to do next. It makes me feel so more depressed then I all ready am. Of course, she knows I am not happy at work and wants to know when I am going to make the change. I hope soon but I don't want to do something I will regret in a month or so. About the heat, I have read so many postings about the heat. I love the pictures of the snow storm. One of my friends posted "you don't have to shovel the heat!" I love it. I would much rather shovel the snow then sit here in my home and sweat, ugh! I am hoping that the heat does break soon. I actually did not think it was all that hot but the temperature gauge says it is. Here is what I have been doing to change my life. I have

Quick Update!

Weekend was great! So much fun. Sidewalk Festival a huge success, still working on cleanup! Anyone got a pickup truck! Everything turned out just perfect, the day, the printing, the music, the people. Could not have asked for a better day. Got back to work to find out that a friend got layoff on Thursday night, sorry for that. it is just a sign of the times. Well, i better get back to work.

Thursday! Soul Searching.

So if you have been reading this blog, you probably know that I am a little depressed and that I am trying to change that. One thing you need to know is I do not take drugs of any kind, well maybe some Advil and some alcohol once in while. SO when others go to the doctor and get something for depression, I just get advice and try to make changes that will help. One way I have found to change my mood is to change the project I am working on. Well, my biggest problem lately is I am unhappy with my current job situation. So how did I get in this mess. I went back to school when I was 35 years old and got a degree in Anthropology, Early Childhood Development and Elementary Education Certification. This was so much fun, going back to school as an adult. After graduating at the top of my class, I could not find a job anywhere because of course, the economy drop into a tailspin which we all know we are still trying to pull out of. So, I applied for jobs outside of what I really wanted to do