Thursday! Soul Searching.

So if you have been reading this blog, you probably know that I am a little depressed and that I am trying to change that. One thing you need to know is I do not take drugs of any kind, well maybe some Advil and some alcohol once in while. SO when others go to the doctor and get something for depression, I just get advice and try to make changes that will help. One way I have found to change my mood is to change the project I am working on. Well, my biggest problem lately is I am unhappy with my current job situation. So how did I get in this mess. I went back to school when I was 35 years old and got a degree in Anthropology, Early Childhood Development and Elementary Education Certification. This was so much fun, going back to school as an adult.

After graduating at the top of my class, I could not find a job anywhere because of course, the economy drop into a tailspin which we all know we are still trying to pull out of. So, I applied for jobs outside of what I really wanted to do. I got what seemed to be a great job. Promises were made by my employer and I jumped at the chance to work hard and try something different. That was two years ago.....

Today, I am unhappy, disillusioned and wanting to change my life. The promises made have been broken. The excitement has turned to disappointment and hurt feelings. I have been searching for some new employment but with no success in this current climate. I am now looking at working somewhere I already don't want to do but anything would be better then where I am. I have taken steps to leave my current position, such as getting my insurance changed and looking into a IRA for my 401k to rollover into. I am taking steps to change but where should I go.

What would  be my dream job? Well, I would like to work full time at the foundation I started with the help of some of my friends a few years ago. It has a mission that makes me feel good and I can give back to the community. I would be able to work for the Radio Station and also work on other initiatives such as alternative energies, organic gardening and other technologies. My question is how do I get to that point?
I need a grant writer or a grant writing course so I can look into finding a grant that might help pay for my work. Do you know where I can find out more about grant writing?

Well, The other option or avenue I am looking into which would be a dream of mine also would be to work at my alma mater, Hartwick College. I have applied there many times but for what ever reason, they are not hiring me. I would love to work for them. Maybe I am applying for the wrong jobs but with my experience and the fact that I have never really made much money, I should be a great pick. I am so organized, and I am so dedicated to what I do. If anyone knows me, when I take on a project, it gets done and done well.

Where does that leave me? Who knows really.

If you are wondering where I was yesterday, I have been working on the Sidewalk Festival which is this Saturday and I am working mornings and evenings after work to get it all figured out. I may not write much this weekend as I will be camping with the family. Mom, Dad, Alexander, Harrison, Heather, Jessica, Nicole, Jared, Caraline, Desi, Vada, Amy and Sarah will all be camping at the Schuman Campsite at Stratton Falls. Stop by and have some BBQ. Should be a great weekend, the weather looks great!


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