A new Monday Morning!

Good Morning! and I mean a good morning. well except that one of my kids is sick and feels aweful. Otherwise, my life is good. I finally am able to feel something. For so long I have kept things all bottled up. I have not allowed myself to feel for fear of all those horrible feelings coming into play. I had stopped really living. Now, After a great weekend with my family in NJ. I am feeling like life has meaning again. Now, what do I do with myself. I have lots of plans but what plan is the right plan. I am going to take the civil service test and apply for a job at the school. Something simple and not so stressful. I am going to go back to school and get my master's degree. I need it for my teaching certification so if I ever find a teaching job, not looking good in this economy. I will have what I need. I am going to work some part time jobs just to pay the bills over the next month or so. Radio station goes on air on Aug 27th. If I can figure out a way to pay my bills, and just volunteer at the radio station, wow, that would be the best. I really need to understand how to write grants. that is what I really think I could do well.  I am going to take a grant writing course then.

I will have to look that up on line. Do you think I could just go to school full time become a full time student? probably not the best choice. no paying of bills in the reality. Poor Dave, I really do not think he knew what he was getting into when he met me. Gotta love him for that!

While helping my parents, I got to sit down and reminisce about jr high school. so much fun looking at old pictures and yearbooks. My kids got an education about how my life was really a mess at that time and how I was pretty much the talk of the town. What a blast that was! Remember when writing in someone's year book was an art form. All those little poems, some not so nice, some really sweet! I read many of them this week in my own yearbooks. It was so much fun. It is really interesting to see what people thought of you and compare that to others. My sisters yearbook was really tame compared to mine. I never really realized what a nut I was back then until I looked at those yearbooks.

This blog is about moving forward. I finally feel like I am moving forward. Life is looking more positive and I can finally look towards doing all the things that life has to offer me. It is amazing, how much the little things actually matter.  Remember those little things when you make the decisions in your life, remember your family and the people who are important to you when you take a job or make big decisions. Life is about living and what is living if you are not happy. Is it really a lfie?


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