And We Start over again!

How do we do it, every week it is like a do over button. Every Monday we start over, we go back to work, we go back to the daily grind. It is like a do over button. Last week didn't do so well, maybe this week will, right? So let's start looking at Monday as an opportunity to make a week the best it can be. Let's use Monday as the beginning of something new. What new experience can I have, what can I do differently this week to get a better result? Let's think about these things. What am I going to do this week that I did not do last week? How can I change the relationships I have at work for the better, what did I do last week that I can do differently this week?

Monday is not the first day of a work week that we have to get through for the week end but an opportunity to improve things. It is the first day of a new beginning, we should really use Monday as a positive and realize that it has endless possibilities!


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