
Well TGIF! Not because I am waiting for the weekend but because I am excited. This weekend is my niece's wedding. I am sure it will be the perfect.

So are you wondering what has been going on and how my day went on Wednesday. Well, It is really hard to let old habits die! I went in to my old job and they asked me to come in a few days a week for the next few weeks to help them get things organized. If I was really turning over a new leaf, I would have said no, right? Well, being the good hearted person I am, I said I would. At least I can pay some bills for the next few weeks. I am ok this week as my ex boss is on vacation. Next week, may be another story. Today, I am going back there to work from 9-4. not really looking forward to it but it is only for a few weeks.

I did get to do some fun stuff yesterday, I went shopping for the radio station to purchase new computers. I went to the apple store for the first time. I really did not like it. I hate loud places and that place is so noisy and to much commotion to really feel like you are the important person. As a customer, I would rather feel a little more important. That is not to say that they were not the most attentive and most helpful but it is a big open space with little trainings going on all over the store, it is very noisy and distracting. I would rather shop at Macy's where the salesgal, stands quietly in the wings and then comments on the clothes you try on. If you actually buy something, she often gives you a discount if she has helped you. At apple, there is no negotiating, it is just what it is a big bill.

Today, I am going to restore my recipe post with something my sister made me last week.
Oh, yea! I had a wonderful lunch with my sister and my nieces and nephews. Thank you so much.


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