
Good Morning Out there!

I am smiling today, I can't get enough of it. I can't remember the last time I had such a happy feeling over me.
Sure, I am wondering what to do next week but freedom from stupidity, freedom from the stress, freedom from all the crap that goes along with it.

I am going to focus on the good things in life.I have been searching for jobs that relate to my major and also online programs so I can get my master's degree. What a wonderful life. So much promise, so much to look forward to.

I will work next week at the radio station learning about radio. I love volunteering, I love doing things that will benefit other people. It is what I was born for.

I am also looking at starting some clubs for kids in the area with the radio station, maybe some Geo cashing, and of course, gardening. If you have any interests in these, let me know we can work together. I am also working with my friend Ginny on a water power works conference for next year. I am so excited about this.

Hope all is well with you.


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