Thank goodness it is Friday!

I am going to go to my parents to help them get their house ready to sell. I am looking forward to painting and going through old memories that have been boxed up in the attic for years. I have been smiling for days. I just did not realize how much being unhappy at work effected you moods. I am beginning to think that it is the pressure from work that has had me so miserable. I actually thought that I was coping. I guess not! lol

Now, I can take a deep breath and feel relaxed. I can spend time with my family which I have missed for to long. No one should be held hostage by a job.I am so much better off now that I have my own schedule and my own choices.

I have to go pack. I will be walking each night starting next Monday or Tuesday. Want to join my walking club.
We can meet across the street from my home around 7:30 pm. I am hoping to walk at least three nights a week but I have lots of meetings so if we get a group of us it wont really matter. Also I am looking for bike. Mine is crap so I want to get one with shocks.  Let me know, dont have much to spend though.

Have a wonderful, beautiful day and take time to appreciate the world around you. I spent time looking at my daisies this morning.


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