The new life begins

Hey, so my new life begins today! why? you may ask, I am finally done with my job. That is right. We came to a mutual understanding today and work and that means, I only have two full (maybe full days left) I feel like my life is finally changing for the better. What was I thinking working in a corporation? That is not me at all. I want to give back to my community and have some kind of meaning for my life. I may not be leaving on the best of terms but I am leaving. I am not leaving on bad terms except that I finally have something to look forward to.

I can not wait to start working with kids at the radio station. Excitement is taking over. I have not felt this alive in two years. You know when you think, what am I getting myself into, oh, no. well listen to that little voice inside and run, run away. Take challenges that make you excited to be alive not ones that just pay the bills. What a life there is to be lead and I am finally taking charge of it and leading my life.

Join me as I find ways to pay the bills and ride the roller coaster that is my life. Say good bye to all those things that stifle us. Let us be creative, lets us share our knowledge, let us learn, let us grow, Let us ENJOY!

Thank you for giving me the strength to move forward and stop moving back! Life is to short for all the crap that other people are carrying around to hold you back.


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