Wednesday, enough said!

Well, I went into work yesterday and found out that my friend had been laid off. bummer. I guess because I know what is going on with stuff, I kinda knew something was coming down the pike as they say but it did not make it any better. Now, I have to conduct an exit interview and help figure out what to do next. It makes me feel so more depressed then I all ready am. Of course, she knows I am not happy at work and wants to know when I am going to make the change. I hope soon but I don't want to do something I will regret in a month or so.

About the heat, I have read so many postings about the heat. I love the pictures of the snow storm. One of my friends posted "you don't have to shovel the heat!" I love it. I would much rather shovel the snow then sit here in my home and sweat, ugh! I am hoping that the heat does break soon. I actually did not think it was all that hot but the temperature gauge says it is.

Here is what I have been doing to change my life. I have sent out many resumes, I know that there are not many teaching jobs out there so I have applied to jobs in the education field. I recently applied for a job at Hartwick College. I really don't think that they will even call me but I have to keep trying. I have stepped up my resume over the last few months. I am going to get my portfolio for teaching in order in case I find a job to apply for.
I am considering going back to school to get my master's degree but I have to have my loans deferred. That is my next step today. I am trying to clean up some old credit issues that I thought had been taken care of but are still showing on my credit report. Do you have these issues, goodness, you make a mistake and stays with you for ever. I keep hearing how people file for bankruptcy, that is just to scary for me. I know I can get my stuff paid off.

One thing I have work hard on, is not taking my frustration out on my kids. Even when I think they deserve it. Boy, that is the hard part. When you are not happy and struggling with your own everyday life, it is so hard to keep that from effecting the people you love the most. I want them to be happy but not spoiled. Dave wants them to be happy and he spoils them rotten. LOL

Exercise has taken a back to seat to the heat and the fact that I can do much after dropping a table on my foot Monday evening. It is bruised and sore. No yoga tonight, bummer. Well I have to go to work, urgh! Wish me luck, I really want to give my notice but I am going wait until I am 100% sure. ok, maybe 90% sure.


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