
Showing posts from June, 2010


Tuesday morning before the sidewalk festival. I am so crazed at this point. so much to do and so little time. I know people read this, so if you are with in 25 miles of Roxbury, please volunteer to help out this weekend at the sidewalk festival. I need people to help! Especially between 9:45 and 10:30 for the parade. Lend a hand to a wonderful event. Got to go to work today! more later.........

Today's treat

This is a simple treat to share with your morning guests. Go to the store and pick up some croissants. Also pick up some chocolate pudding the kind you make with milk and have to cook, that is the best kind. Prepare the puddling as direct on the box. Place it in the refrig . You will also need some real whip cream and some really good chocolate sauce. When the pudding is ready, slice the croissants but not all the way through. Put a dab of pudding in the middle. Place in the center of a small dish and add a dollop of whip cream and drizzle chocolate sauce. Serve immediately. This is delicious and easy to make! enjoy. Yummy!

Monday Morning, I made it through another week, looking forward to this one!

Wow, It is Monday again! What a relief. I am so happy I have made it through another week with out quitting my job, going insane or telling someone off. This is a great accomplishment for me as this is what I want to do everyday. I feel like I live with so much anger and it really is not a good thing. Trying to find ways to control all of my emotions with out pushing them away and just being depressed. I would rather feel them and get them to slowly go away then push them away and just feel blah! Oh, well, things are going well. although, I am not working today because I am not able to. This weekend was a whirl wind with Birthday party Friday and good friends stopping by camp for a celebration, One of my friends got a great job! and we were so happy for her. You know who you are out their... congrats! Saturday was graduation and I presented an award to two of  Roxbury Central School's graduating seniors. That was really rewarding. I love giving back to the community. I wish I w


So, I am really struggling this week. I absolutely hate my job and things are getting worse. I hate everyday. Today, I am having trouble even getting ready to go to work. What is it that does this to me? I am thinking up any excuse to not go. I have so many other things to do, it is riduculous. so many things that I want to do. I will tell you what I want to do. I want to spend all my time working at my foundation. I want to work with kids everyday. I want to learn more about so many things. I want to have no bills as least no loan payments. not sure how that is going to work out! I would love to make a paycheck doing the things I want to do. Someone tell me how you do that? How is it that people figure it out? Do they have a fairly god mother so something? Some people are just at the right place at the right time, I guess. Why can't that person be me? I am going to go to work today because I have to. Not because I want to. I would love it if I could go to the GRLIC office and

Where was I thing morning?

SO you might be wondering where I was this morning! I slept until seven and had to run to work, late. I have not been late in years for anything. I was not late per say but I had to run. So for exercise today, I went to yoga in Margaretville. It was great, I love it. what a workout! I don't sweat that bad doing weights for goodness sake. Who would have guessed. I am hoping to get to sleep on time tonight so I can get up and try the belly dancing workout in the morning .I have been waiting to try it out for almost a week now. I am so glad I usually work out in the morning this heat will kill you. I have had three glasses of cool water since I got back from yoga. wow. This would be my new thing for today. Yesterday, my new thing was I had dinner with a friend at her house and she made greek salad and solvaki (remember I am not a good speller) Not something I would normally eat but It was good. I am not sure I would have it again, as it was not my favorite taste. I am not a big fan

Food for Thought!

What is breakfast at Tiffany's, Isn't Tiffany's a jewelry store? Ok , now this is not healthy per say but I love this. Make some crapes or really thin pancakes, can of blueberry pie filling and real whipped cream place a scoop of blueberry pie filling in the middle of the crape and fold like a burrito Then fry it in a pan for just a few minutes. Serve hot topped with whipped cream. Blueberry Blintz! SO GOOD! Isn't that what food is suppose to be good. I am tired of the idea that food that is good for you has to taste like cardboard. I believe that as long as you eat in moderation, in other words don't eat the whole bag of cookies, just each one or two. I know it is hard to do but if you really enjoy the one or two, you don't need any more, so you can have sweets and things that might not be on your list of what you want to be eating everyday. Just eat a little bit of them. Don't make yourself unhappy while eating, it is necessary for life and one

GRRR! It's morning

Good Morning, or is it? Did you ever feel like no matter what you do everyone is against you? That is how I feel most of the time, but logically, I know that no one sets out everyday to be against me. Well, at least no specifically against me, some people set out everyday to be against anyone they run into but that is a different story.  So the same thing as last week, First day of the week goes well, I get up and try out exercising and do, can't say that I love it but I do it. That is what I need  a routine, right! then the next day someone is sleeping in my living room. So same thing today, I wake up and someone is sleeping in my living room. I know they did not plan to sabotage my morning, they just fell a sleep but gosh, give me a break. This is hard for me. Sure you might laugh, hard for you, how is getting up and instead of drinking coffee for an hour, you exercise and then have coffee. not hard right? Well, I have trouble just getting out of bed. I have to drag myself up o

Banana Pudding for those of us watching what we eat!

1/2 cup all purpose flour Dash of salt 2 1/2 cups 1% low fat milk 1 (14oz) can of fat-free sweetened condensed milk 2 egg yolks, lightly beaten 2 tsp. vanilla extract 3 cups sliced ripe bananas 48 reduced fat vanilla wafers 4 egg whiles 1/2 cup suger 1. preheat oven to 325 2. Combine flour and salt in medium sauce pan. 3. Gradually stir in 1% milk, sweetened condensed milk and yolks and cook over medium heat. stirring constantly about 8 to 19 minutes or until thickened. 4. Layer 3 banana slices , 3 1/2 Tbsp. puddling and 3 vanilla wafers in each of 8 (1cup) ramekins or oven proof glass dishes. top each with 6 banana slices 3 1/2 tbsp pudding and 3 vanilla wafers. 5. Beat egg whites on high speed with mixer until foamy. Ad sugar, 1 Tbsp. at a time beating until stiff peaks form and sigar dissovles about 2-3 minutes. Spread about 1/2 cup meringue over each pudding. 6. Bake at 325 for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden. Let cool 30 minutes. This is lighter then using re

Monday Morning start again!

Just finished my work out! Get that heart beating, yeah! Well, I worked out with Gilad on the upper body today, that went well. I am not sure if I like him but it is a good work out. He does not always use weights which I would rather use the weights when I work out so I added them. This weekend was so busy and next weekend is just a bad if not worse. I wish I had more time and less work.... oh, yeah, I guess everyone probably wishes the same thing. I will not be posting to much today because I have to go to work early to make sure everything is ready for customers this week. When we have customers in house, it makes things much more interesting. the days go by faster. I don't know what I will do different today but I am hoping to mail some resumes out, i have been wanting to for about a week. Well, i have to shower and get out the door this morning. Look for some ramblings later today, I am sure something will set me off today!

Recipe- A different Pasta Salad

Here is a different pasta salad that I like to make because it is quick and easy as with everything I make is. Cook up a pound of pasta, let cool get a bottle of your favorite italian dressing. cheddar cheese 1/2 pound- cut into small pieces salami 1/2 pound cut up into small pieces one green pepper carrot one red pepper cherry tomatoes cut in half add what ever other veggies you like, sometimes I add yellow squash or cucumbers. Mix all items together except for dressing. Then pour over the top as much dressing as you like. Some of the dressing with get absorbed by the pasta as it sits so you make what to keep a little to add right before you serve it. Chill it, a great take with you salad or I love to put it in my lunch box. Enjoy.

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful fathers out there! especially my DAD, you are the greatest!

It is Sunday morning, Dave and I went to breakfast before the kids got up to the local morning eatery. Way up here the Catskill mountains, there aren't a lot of choices if you want to walk to breakfast. Anyways, I had a chili omelet, probably not the best choice for a good breakfast but I loved it. It is already really hot out. Going to be a scorcher I think! I love Sunday Mornings, I went to church for a while on Sundays. It was fun and I really enjoyed singing with the choir but I have to be honest with myself although I love all the good feelings I get while listening to the surmon, It really makes me think about others, when it comes right down to it, I am just not 100% sure what I believe in. I believe in Mother Nature as a concept of science. We are all living things with in a universe that is vast. We have something in us that makes us different from the plants outside. What that actually is I am not sure. This is way to philosophical for a Sunday Morning. Anyway, right no

Today's Recipe- Pasta

One Box of cooked pasta, I like the kind that is all wiggly rotini or something... I just don't pay that much attention to what pasta is called, it is all made of the same stuff. One bag of frozen mixed vegetables- Try different kinds each time and find your favorite combination. cook to desired texture. I like mine a little on the softer side, the kids like them crunchier... Add a little garlic- I like fresh chopped fine and add to taste, (I love garlic, it keeps the vampires away! and all your friends, LOL....) now I like to use butter because I love salt but you can use Olive Oil, Oregano Shaky Cheese (Parmesan/Romano grated cheese, We call it shaky) a little salt and pepper to taste. Mix all the ingredients together. you notice I am not telling you how much of the seasonings to add or how much cheese, experiment until you figure out what you like! Food is personal, make it how you like it and enjoy! I know I do.

The Weekend!

Yesterday, my second born daughter (I have four so I really have to number them in order of appearance and that does not include all the ones who are friends of my daughters who I have adopted along the way.)Nevada turned 17. We had a wonderful dinner at the camp (my second home most of the time) strip steak, green beans and hashbrowns (this is a family favorite!). Sarah (the youngest) blew up balloons and they danced around the campsite. Amy (second youngest)as usual was nowhere to be found. My lifes worry. (all my family and friends from when I was young would say that she is payback for my behavior when I was younger, I don't disagree!) I secretly think of her as my favorite sometimes but not always! Desi, the oldest, made cupcakes and decorated them in purple and green. Our campsite neighbors and good friends came for cupcakes too. There was frizbee and soccer balls flying. so much fun. So what did I do that was new. My two oldest daughters taught me how to play a card game. No

Technical Difficulties

Got a couple of messages about not being able to post comments, so I think I have fixed this! Thanks for sending me your encouragements, thoughts, comments etc. I am loving reading all of them. An on top of all the emails, and facebook comments, people keep asking Dave (my husband) and my girls, what is this thing that Jenn is doing. I figured a few of my friends might read this but it seems I have started a real buzz here. Post your comments, and tell me what you think! I am not always right even if I think I am...LOL.... which is most of the time.....

Whip it up!

SO, my recipes as you will discover are from my head, they are not from a book although, I may post a few in the future that I find and try out, but only if I like them. Today, is simple and you probably have tried this one already but it is perfect for hot weather which is predicted for this weekend... Bananas Blueberries grapes cherries (whatever kind of fruit you like) Vanilla pudding Whipped Cream Those vanilla cookies that come in the box little crackers, cant remember the brand name but I am sure you know what I am talking about. Cover the bottom of your dish with cookies, spoon in vanilla pudding, cover with whipped cream and add fruit, as much as you want. stick a cookie on top to decorate and eat a way! You can also do this with chocolate cookies too or chocolate pudding depending on what you like the best! I like both. Gosh, I really should eat breakfast first, now I am hungry, really hungry....... I wonder what is in the refrig? probably nothing I want to eat, LOL..... what

Day Two

Good Morning, or hey... How do you know if it is really a good morning, don't you have to wait until it is over to see how the morning went? So far, not the best I have had. Woke up early all ready to do my new morning routine and much to my surprise or really much to my disappointment, children are sleeping in my living room and in my recliner. This makes me so mad. So I said to myself, take a breath, have a cup of coffee and figure something else out. So a few words about disappointment..... This is the enemy, i am tired of being disappointed by life or what life brings. I want it all but I can't seem to get there. I should clarify what I mean by I want it all. I want to enjoy my life. I want to spend time with my children the way I used to, go to all there sporting events, and special events, hang with them on weekends, watch movies with them, have dinner with them, play cards with them. They are only small once, and when they become teenagers, most of this stuff ends. Sure

First day done!

The first day of my changing life is almost over. Wow, how my attitude has changed. That is the first thing. I saw at least three people today who read this blog and that made me feel good. I had a new attitude at work and it made a difference but still not happy there. Oh, well, I can fix that. I heard a song on the radio today, It was the song Dave and I had for our wedding song. "just the way you are" Billy Joel. I remember why we picked it because the band didn't know the other song we wanted. "Have I told you lately that I love you". well the other night, when all the kids had left camp and Dave and I were alone just enjoying the camp fire. This song came on and he said this is the song that reminds me of you. Wow, seventeen years and I still get those chills when he speaks! That will never change. So what else have I done today. Lots, I had lunch with a friend and laughed and talked and enjoyed the moment. Made a stop at the shop to see Ade! We are making

Trying something new each day!

In the spirit of trying something new each day, I am looking at new recipes to try! Here is one for today! Try it, you might like it! They won't always be " healthly " but I think that they will taste good! 1 cup frozen blueberries (or your favorite fruit) 1 cup yogurt ( plain is good but just use one of those pre -measured flavored, you find in the dairy aisle, I use the fruit on the bottom kind from Breyers . 1 cup 100% juice (usually grape juice adds the right amount of sugars to the drink but try some different kinds until you love it!) some ice if you like it frozen. put all ingredients in a blender and share with your kids! they love these kind of drinks too! Add vodka if you have older friends over and are looking for something new to try but they fill you up quick so think about that. Like I said, this is about life changing not becoming a psycho health nut, I am all about enjoying life to the fullest.

What I changed this morning!

This morning I worked out with some guy named Gilad on FIT TV(at least I think that was his name). Did some stretching and weights! I have tried aerobics- hated it; tried walking- boring; tried running- why would anyone want to run back to the same place they started!; so I have decided to try something new each day. They say that variety is the spice of life. I will be taping a different exercise program from FIT TV each day while I am at work and trying it out the next morning. I always wanted to try that belly dancing workout and I am sure it will be quite funny with all this weight wiggling around but what the heck! You are only young once. oh, yeah, that was a while ago! So let's just have fun. I am working out at 6 am because that is the only time my family is not around and still gives me time to shower and have coffee before work. Maybe I won't need coffee, wow what a concept! Tape something new to try and join me. I will post on this blog after my workouts to let you

Hello Everyone!

This morning I woke up and realized that the only person who can make my life what I want is me! Sure I knew that from the beginning but I have always found someone else to blame. If only this person or that person would just butt out, I could be what I want to be, blah, blah, blah...... I have read and recited the poem about God granting me the serenity to accept things, wisdom to know the difference and the courage to change things. Nothing against God, but He does not having anything to do with it. I have to make up my mind to do these things. SO I AM! and you can too. So I am putting together a list of things I am working on for myself. * Stop being depressed! Life sucks so change it. * Get out of the house no matter what. I love science fiction and mystery TV and spend way to much time watching it. I need to work my body. * Exercise the stress away. started that last week but stepped it up today! I will post pictures and stats ( OMG how embarrassing but maybe I can prove somethi