Trying something new each day!

In the spirit of trying something new each day, I am looking at new recipes to try!

Here is one for today! Try it, you might like it! They won't always be "healthly" but I think that they will taste good!

1 cup frozen blueberries (or your favorite fruit)
1 cup yogurt ( plain is good but just use one of those pre-measured flavored, you find in the dairy aisle, I use the fruit on the bottom kind from Breyers.
1 cup 100% juice (usually grape juice adds the right amount of sugars to the drink but try some different kinds until you love it!)
some ice if you like it frozen.

put all ingredients in a blender and share with your kids! they love these kind of drinks too!
Add vodka if you have older friends over and are looking for something new to try but they fill you up quick so think about that.

Like I said, this is about life changing not becoming a psycho health nut, I am all about enjoying life to the fullest.


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