Today's Recipe- Pasta

One Box of cooked pasta, I like the kind that is all wiggly rotini or something... I just don't pay that much attention to what pasta is called, it is all made of the same stuff.
One bag of frozen mixed vegetables- Try different kinds each time and find your favorite combination. cook to desired texture. I like mine a little on the softer side, the kids like them crunchier...
Add a little garlic- I like fresh chopped fine and add to taste, (I love garlic, it keeps the vampires away! and all your friends, LOL....)
now I like to use butter because I love salt but you can use Olive Oil,
Shaky Cheese (Parmesan/Romano grated cheese, We call it shaky)
a little salt and pepper to taste.

Mix all the ingredients together. you notice I am not telling you how much of the seasonings to add or how much cheese, experiment until you figure out what you like! Food is personal, make it how you like it and enjoy! I know I do.


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