Where was I thing morning?

SO you might be wondering where I was this morning! I slept until seven and had to run to work, late. I have not been late in years for anything. I was not late per say but I had to run. So for exercise today, I went to yoga in Margaretville. It was great, I love it. what a workout! I don't sweat that bad doing weights for goodness sake. Who would have guessed. I am hoping to get to sleep on time tonight so I can get up and try the belly dancing workout in the morning .I have been waiting to try it out for almost a week now.

I am so glad I usually work out in the morning this heat will kill you. I have had three glasses of cool water since I got back from yoga. wow. This would be my new thing for today. Yesterday, my new thing was I had dinner with a friend at her house and she made greek salad and solvaki (remember I am not a good speller) Not something I would normally eat but It was good. I am not sure I would have it again, as it was not my favorite taste. I am not a big fan of lemons except in lemonade with lots of sugar!.

I have been getting  these headaches for the last few days in the afternoon. I am not sure what it is from. maybe need more water, maybe need stronger allergy medicine or maybe due to stress. probably stress..


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