Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful fathers out there! especially my DAD, you are the greatest!

It is Sunday morning, Dave and I went to breakfast before the kids got up to the local morning eatery. Way up here the Catskill mountains, there aren't a lot of choices if you want to walk to breakfast. Anyways, I had a chili omelet, probably not the best choice for a good breakfast but I loved it. It is already really hot out. Going to be a scorcher I think!

I love Sunday Mornings, I went to church for a while on Sundays. It was fun and I really enjoyed singing with the choir but I have to be honest with myself although I love all the good feelings I get while listening to the surmon, It really makes me think about others, when it comes right down to it, I am just not 100% sure what I believe in. I believe in Mother Nature as a concept of science. We are all living things with in a universe that is vast. We have something in us that makes us different from the plants outside. What that actually is I am not sure. This is way to philosophical for a Sunday Morning. Anyway, right now, I believe I have the power to change my life to something that I want it to be. What exactly that is I am not sure. I just know I need to surround myself with people who are positive and have healthy out look for life.

Today, I am a busy day planned. Working at the radio station, then lunch with the in-laws and then BBQ at camp for Father's Day. I hope you get a chance today to spend sometime with your Dad if he is important to you. I have to wait a few weeks until I am in NJ again. Looks like July 10 and 11. Sending love to you on this special day!


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