Banana Pudding for those of us watching what we eat!

1/2 cup all purpose flour
Dash of salt
2 1/2 cups 1% low fat milk
1 (14oz) can of fat-free sweetened condensed milk
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 cups sliced ripe bananas
48 reduced fat vanilla wafers
4 egg whiles
1/2 cup suger

1. preheat oven to 325
2. Combine flour and salt in medium sauce pan.
3. Gradually stir in 1% milk, sweetened condensed milk and yolks and cook over medium heat. stirring constantly about 8 to 19 minutes or until thickened.
4. Layer 3 banana slices , 3 1/2 Tbsp. puddling and 3 vanilla wafers in each of 8 (1cup) ramekins or oven proof glass dishes. top each with 6 banana slices 3 1/2 tbsp pudding and 3 vanilla wafers.
5. Beat egg whites on high speed with mixer until foamy. Ad sugar, 1 Tbsp. at a time beating until stiff peaks form and sigar dissovles about 2-3 minutes. Spread about 1/2 cup meringue over each pudding.
6. Bake at 325 for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden. Let cool 30 minutes.

This is lighter then using regular milk and regular condensed milk but still tastes great! I found this in one of my older Southern Living magazines. They always have great lighter fare in the summer time. Check them out for some great recipes too.


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