Food for Thought!

What is breakfast at Tiffany's, Isn't Tiffany's a jewelry store?

Ok, now this is not healthy per say but I love this.

Make some crapes or really thin pancakes,
can of blueberry pie filling and real whipped cream
place a scoop of blueberry pie filling in the middle of the crape and fold like a burrito
Then fry it in a pan for just a few minutes.
Serve hot topped with whipped cream.

Blueberry Blintz! SO GOOD!

Isn't that what food is suppose to be good. I am tired of the idea that food that is good for you has to taste like cardboard. I believe that as long as you eat in moderation, in other words don't eat the whole bag of cookies, just each one or two. I know it is hard to do but if you really enjoy the one or two, you don't need any more, so you can have sweets and things that might not be on your list of what you want to be eating everyday. Just eat a little bit of them. Don't make yourself unhappy while eating, it is necessary for life and one of the easiest places to find a little joy. So here is a hint, make a small crape for you and make the big ones for everyone else. You can secretly snicker about all the calories they are eating and how you only are eating half but enjoying the same thing!


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