What I changed this morning!

This morning I worked out with some guy named Gilad on FIT TV(at least I think that was his name). Did some stretching and weights! I have tried aerobics- hated it; tried walking- boring; tried running- why would anyone want to run back to the same place they started!; so I have decided to try something new each day.
They say that variety is the spice of life. I will be taping a different exercise program from FIT TV each day while I am at work and trying it out the next morning. I always wanted to try that belly dancing workout and I am sure it will be quite funny with all this weight wiggling around but what the heck! You are only young once. oh, yeah, that was a while ago! So let's just have fun. I am working out at 6 am because that is the only time my family is not around and still gives me time to shower and have coffee before work. Maybe I won't need coffee, wow what a concept! Tape something new to try and join me. I will post on this blog after my workouts to let you know if I cheated or not and if I liked to days workout. One drawback to this plan is that most of these shows require extra equipment so I will let you know how I over came the missing equipment problem too.


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