First day done!

The first day of my changing life is almost over. Wow, how my attitude has changed. That is the first thing. I saw at least three people today who read this blog and that made me feel good. I had a new attitude at work and it made a difference but still not happy there. Oh, well, I can fix that.

I heard a song on the radio today, It was the song Dave and I had for our wedding song. "just the way you are" Billy Joel. I remember why we picked it because the band didn't know the other song we wanted. "Have I told you lately that I love you". well the other night, when all the kids had left camp and Dave and I were alone just enjoying the camp fire. This song came on and he said this is the song that reminds me of you. Wow, seventeen years and I still get those chills when he speaks! That will never change.

So what else have I done today. Lots, I had lunch with a friend and laughed and talked and enjoyed the moment. Made a stop at the shop to see Ade! We are making plans for a girls night out! I am not sure what to do but I am sure we will find something. Suggestions wanted!!!!

Finally, I got home and dug up an area in the backyard to plant some veggies. I also planted tomatoes in the topsy turvy, cant wait to see if they really grow. I also planted a squash in one of my hanging baskets where there should be flowers but I just haven't gotten to it yet! LOL I wonder how that will grow. Try anything once. I did notice that there is some awful plant growing with my flower beds. I guess that will be my next project out there. Andy, my nephew stopped by to shoot the breeze, he is always good for some laughs.

I am heading up to bed early today compared to the last few nights. So this will be all you will here from me tonight. I wanted to let you know that I am putting together a newsletter that you can sign up for to receive monthly. It will contain recipes, outing ideas, books suggestions ( I love to read), favorite things of the month from the blog and information updates on things I talk about. I think I may even include some funny cartoons if the idea strikes me. Can't wait to see what fitness program I taped for tomorrow. Sweating to the oldies with Richard Simmons or bellydancing or Tie bow (not good at spelling remember).


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