Monday Morning, I made it through another week, looking forward to this one!

Wow, It is Monday again! What a relief. I am so happy I have made it through another week with out quitting my job, going insane or telling someone off. This is a great accomplishment for me as this is what I want to do everyday. I feel like I live with so much anger and it really is not a good thing. Trying to find ways to control all of my emotions with out pushing them away and just being depressed. I would rather feel them and get them to slowly go away then push them away and just feel blah! Oh, well, things are going well. although, I am not working today because I am not able to.

This weekend was a whirl wind with Birthday party Friday and good friends stopping by camp for a celebration, One of my friends got a great job! and we were so happy for her. You know who you are out their... congrats!
Saturday was graduation and I presented an award to two of  Roxbury Central School's graduating seniors. That was really rewarding. I love giving back to the community. I wish I was rich or won the lottery because I would give some much to all the organizations and kids around here. They need it more then I do! Then as we all know, after graduation, their are parties. We went to four different ones, it was like a marathon finally ending at our camp at Stratton Falls where I just was to tired to do anything but sleep.

Sunday, I had me time and spent the day with Ade! We did girl things like getting our toes done and having a leisurely lunch. So much fun. Finished with some grocery shopping. That was the best part of my weekend.
This week is jam packed with getting things ready for the sidewalk festival.

Ads are due and we need more donations. I need to put the vendors into spots and make sure I have electric for the bands. I am so excited about the music this year. Two great bands are playing at the church square!

I love it when I am busy. I look forward to this weekend, my family is coming up to visit and camp. I am sure things will be great, anytime they are around I feel much better. Family is very important as you never know when life will change, so take advantage and enjoy them while they are here. Don't let  things that don't really matter separate you from the ones you love. They are what make life worth living and everything can be forgiven if you are able to understand that family is what is important!


  1. Thanks for the great day yesterday Jenn! I needed that. Here is to a new day, a new week, and the countdwon to another great weekend :)


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