Whip it up!

SO, my recipes as you will discover are from my head, they are not from a book although, I may post a few in the future that I find and try out, but only if I like them. Today, is simple and you probably have tried this one already but it is perfect for hot weather which is predicted for this weekend...

(whatever kind of fruit you like)
Vanilla pudding
Whipped Cream
Those vanilla cookies that come in the box little crackers, cant remember the brand name but I am sure you know what I am talking about.

Cover the bottom of your dish with cookies, spoon in vanilla pudding, cover with whipped cream and add fruit, as much as you want. stick a cookie on top to decorate and eat a way! You can also do this with chocolate cookies too or chocolate pudding depending on what you like the best! I like both. Gosh, I really should eat breakfast first, now I am hungry, really hungry....... I wonder what is in the refrig? probably nothing I want to eat, LOL.....

what is your favorite recipe? Please put it in the comment section below!


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