Hello Everyone!

This morning I woke up and realized that the only person who can make my life what I want is me! Sure I knew that from the beginning but I have always found someone else to blame. If only this person or that person would just butt out, I could be what I want to be, blah, blah, blah...... I have read and recited the poem about God granting me the serenity to accept things, wisdom to know the difference and the courage to change things. Nothing against God, but He does not having anything to do with it. I have to make up my mind to do these things.

SO I AM! and you can too. So I am putting together a list of things I am working on for myself.

* Stop being depressed! Life sucks so change it.
* Get out of the house no matter what. I love science fiction and mystery TV and spend way to much time watching it. I need to work my body.
* Exercise the stress away. started that last week but stepped it up today! I will post pictures and stats (OMG how embarrassing but maybe I can prove something to myself and others.
* Stop being so about myself. Give to others- I will talk more about this in the weeks to come.
* Clean up, straighten up and get rid of it! This applies to many aspects of life not just this house!
* Find work that not only pays the bills but makes me happy.
* Use my mind, continue to learn and grow everyday!

This is a starting point. I will take a look at these items regularly and posted my feelings about how it is going and what I feel I have accomplished.

I think everyone was put on this earth to do something. To contribute in some way. It maybe that we are all here just to help one other person in this life and maybe we are here to help many, I am not sure but I am going to try to help myself so that I can reach others and help them too.

I am not sure what you might find here but I will be posting new things that I try and letting you know how things are going in my quest to change my life for the better and hopefully, I can take you along for the ride. Maybe your life will seem some how better by trying something new too.


  1. http://threedogcreations.blogspot.com/

    I got one too!!!!


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