The Weekend!

Yesterday, my second born daughter (I have four so I really have to number them in order of appearance and that does not include all the ones who are friends of my daughters who I have adopted along the way.)Nevada turned 17. We had a wonderful dinner at the camp (my second home most of the time) strip steak, green beans and hashbrowns (this is a family favorite!). Sarah (the youngest) blew up balloons and they danced around the campsite. Amy (second youngest)as usual was nowhere to be found. My lifes worry. (all my family and friends from when I was young would say that she is payback for my behavior when I was younger, I don't disagree!) I secretly think of her as my favorite sometimes but not always! Desi, the oldest, made cupcakes and decorated them in purple and green. Our campsite neighbors and good friends came for cupcakes too. There was frizbee and soccer balls flying. so much fun. So what did I do that was new. My two oldest daughters taught me how to play a card game. Now let's just think about that one for a minute....... Teenagers teaching Mom a card game, you know it was a drinking game but of course, the only one drinking alcohol was me..... That did not go well.... And the name of the game was A__H___. Apparently you are to call the loser that..... just could not call any of my daughters during the game and the girls laughed, Mom hahahaha....
Then off to their different friends for the night, Sarah, Dave and I played SKIPBO and sat by the fire...Just enjoying the evening. We hope for friends to stop by but were content to just relax especially after such a rough week......

10 Pm comes and Dave goes off to bed, work in the morning for him and me too (radio station, GRLIC) Sarah goes in to read for awhile and the unexpected happens... My friends from work come for drinks! So much fun, maybe to much fun, they left at 1:30 am and I went to bed at 2 am. wow, haven't done that in such a long time....
Morning came very early this morning! Woodchucks making sqeeky noises under the camper and birds (boy can they be loud when they want to) chirping.

Today is a beautiful day and my exercise program for today is walking in the beautiful sunshine. Todays schedule of weekend events includes working at the GRLIC so much is happening there! SO exciting!!! Meeting with Terry Doyle about the radio station WIOX 91.3 Roxbury, NY about our facebook page and social media. Then off to the Twins graduation party, oopps, I need a card, someone stop by the store and get me two graduation cards? That is a change I need to make, improve my memory. It is slipping, sign of old age or just overload?.... I don't know. Maybe I don't want to know. That is it.... I don't want to know, I would rather be oblivious to what happens as we age. denial.... I know, denial.....It is the villian here.

I am rambling again.... sorry, I wonder what is good on the menu today.... Check today's recipe and I will get back to you on how things are shaping up later......

PS. made up a new resume and am sending out some feelers this week... Anyone know anything about grant writing or grant writing courses? let me know, I want to learn.


  1. Jenn, we call it "shaky cheese" too! LOL

    Lisa C


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