GRRR! It's morning

Good Morning, or is it? Did you ever feel like no matter what you do everyone is against you? That is how I feel most of the time, but logically, I know that no one sets out everyday to be against me. Well, at least no specifically against me, some people set out everyday to be against anyone they run into but that is a different story.  So the same thing as last week, First day of the week goes well, I get up and try out exercising and do, can't say that I love it but I do it. That is what I need  a routine, right! then the next day someone is sleeping in my living room. So same thing today, I wake up and someone is sleeping in my living room.

I know they did not plan to sabotage my morning, they just fell a sleep but gosh, give me a break. This is hard for me. Sure you might laugh, hard for you, how is getting up and instead of drinking coffee for an hour, you exercise and then have coffee. not hard right? Well, I have trouble just getting out of bed. I have to drag myself up out of bed everyday. I am sure some of you are the same way. Some people know this about me and some people don't but I suffer from depression and it is a daily struggle. I do not take any drugs, not prescription or otherwise and have not in many years. The strongest thing I take now a days is an Advil for pain. Of course, I had shoulder surgery last year and that is taking for ever to get back to normal.

So this is not the whoa is me show, but the what am I going to do next, how am I going to change for the better. How can we all change for the better? Changing for the better is not easy and takes hard work. It is not something we do over night. writing every day has helped me some over the last week. So maybe you might know some way to change your life, what have you done lately to make it better for you or for someone else? I would love to hear about it, maybe I can find something in what you have done to help me!

Today is not the best but I will try to find something or someone who makes my life better. If all else fails, I have Dave to comfort me during my long bouts of blah. He is wonderful and I would not want to change anything about him.

I think if I wake up to kids in my living room again, I will blast some heavy metal music to wake them up and send them on their way. What do you think, I hope it works.


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